Protein Porridge


In a pan over a medium heat add the oats, milk of choice and water. Cook for 5 minutes or until desired consistency. Take off the heat and add the 1 scoop of protein, stir and leave to stand for 1 minute. Transfer to bowl and enjoy.

Our favourites 

Donut protein porridge with almond butter or cinnamon and raisins (couldn’t pick one).

Chocolate protein porridge with banana and hemp seeds.

Strawberry protein porridge with fresh berries and honey.

Macro (Per serving) Gram Kcal %
Protein 38 152 26.12
Carbohydrate 76 304 52.23
Fat 14 126 21.65
Total 582
Toppings Protein Carb Fat Kcal
1 tbsp almond butter 3 3 9 98
1 banana 1 27 0 105
1 cup Strawberries 1 13 1 56
1 cup Blueberries 1 21 1 84
1 cup Raspberries 2 15 1 64
1 Apple, grated 1 25 0 95
10 almonds 3 3 7 77
1 tsp chia seeds 2 5 4 58
1 tsp hemp seeds 10 3 15 166
1 tsp cinnamon 0 2 0 6
1/4 cup raisins 1 31 0 116
1 tsp honey 0 6 0 21
1 tsp agave 0 5 0 21

Serves 1


Donut Protein Porridge 

Chocolate Protein Porridge 

Strawberry Protein Porridge